St. Joseph Radio - SJEN.TV

Your Catholic Voice in Christian Broadcasting

Our History

St. Joseph Radio[SJEN]began in Orange, California, in 1982s as the St. Ignatius Retreat Association, organizing retreats and inviting excellent Catholic speakers to lead them.

Through the Holy Spirit’s prompting and aided by the generous encouragement and support of Msgr. Lawrence Baird (former Director of Communications for the Diocese of Orange, CA) and Fr. Thomas Nelson, O.Praem (board member and spiritual director), the volunteer-run apostolate soon spread to include radio, reaching further and further until our evangelization efforts were touching lives all over the United States, Canada, and even beyond! Soon, our missionary assistance to establish technology for evangelization was requested by Grenada’s Bishop Darius and Archbishop Donald Reece of the West Indies.  St. Joseph Radio gladly answered the call to service!

History Image

We were blessed to collaborate with EWTN for many years, providing live programs on Catholic apologetics and faith topics, and continue to provide them with pre-recorded programming. In 2004, St. Joseph Radio established a branch in St. Charles, Missouri, in the Archdiocese of St. Louis, where amazing circumstances prompted new outreaches that continue to grow! Not only were thousands of dollars’ worth of audio and video recording equipment donated, but gifted people from a major network offered their expertise, along with many faithful volunteers.

We were blessed to collaborate with EWTN for many years, providing live programs on Catholic apologetics and faith topics, and continue to provide them with pre-recorded programming.

During this time, a video studio was added to our radio-recording operations, opening new avenues to evangelizing through the media in the form of Credere Academy and SJEN.Tv!

First mass Bishop Carlson

A long-standing dream came to fruition in 2016 when Archbishop Robert Carlson approved our request to establish St. Joseph Chapel at our St. Charles location, where volunteers, and visitors can pray daily the Rosary and Divine Mercy chaplet for the intentions of all our listeners, benefactors, and workers.

St. Joseph Radio has been blessed with many volunteers over the years, who in a variety of projects and recordings have assisted in organizing and sponsoring parish events, conferences, retreats, etc. as well as our annual Catholic Man of the Year Award Dinner. Over 30 years later, many are still volunteering tirelessly in the mission of evangelization via the St. Joseph Radio apostolate.

By early 2017, St. Joseph Radio had grown far beyond its beginnings, encompassing not only radio, but video, publishing, a giftshop, evangelization training, event sponsoring, even St. Joe’s Java coffee blends, and the decision was made to adapt our name to reflect the variety of work done in our apostolate. St. Joseph Evangelization Network became the new name for the same volunteer-driven ministry that continues through the grace of God, enthusiastically bringing others to God “one soul at a time!